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Ditch the Coffee: Yoga for Energy and Vitality

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Living a healthy lifestyle encompasses a mind/body connection that isn't always easy to achieve in today's stressful world. Deadlines to meet, people to see, and responsibilities to attend to more often than not leave us burnt out. We turn to coffee to wake us up and television to turn us off. Though these things certainly have their place, a disciplined yoga practice centered around the breath, and focused on your body's energy, can be a healthy and enjoyable replacement for options that could otherwise not always be beneficial.

Our Natural Energy: Prajna

Eastern philosophies on medicine and spiritual life essentially state that we are all made up of the same unseen energy that moves and fuels us. That this energy is our life-force, or, prajna. And we can feel it. However, it does take some practice. 

Focus on the Body

Yoga is a form of meditation, and often in meditation, students may be instructed to focus on certain parts of the body that may feel tense or stiff. The same applies to yoga. When in a pose, take a deep breath and search for an area of discomfort. This can be your neck, upper back, cheeks, calves; most anywhere. Continue breathing deeply as you hone in and feel the sensation. You may feel a pleasant tingling or even a tinge, but simply allow it. This is your prajna; your energy. Studies have shown that the energy manipulation which yoga provides can be used to help heal and provide relief for both your physical and mental health.

Your energy is vital, and sometimes the answer for more of it isn't always coffee. Reserving time for a yoga routine focused on a healthy mind/body connection in order to restore a grounded mentality is the most vital and generous gift we can give ourselves. 

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