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How do I Find my Life's Purpose?

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What do you want to be when you grow up?

Are you on the right track?

Will you make enough money?

How does your family feel about it?

Is this even what I want to be doing?

And on and on it goes. 

The simple truth is, many of us don't really have the answers to these questions. We work admirably to support ourselves, and our families, without ever considering what it is that really resonates with us or brings passion to our lives. 

And that's okay.

Many of us are late-bloomers. Whether we figure it out at age 30, 40, 50 or later, there is no "wrong" way to go about your path-to-purpose. But with all that said, have a seat, a cup of tea, and relax while you take into consideration our tips on how to find that elusive "purpose:"

Allow it to Be

What does that mean? Well, in short: don't force it. You might be familiar with the term "gut-feeling." This gut-feeling we often get might just be a sign of a deeper intelligence  that should be fostered and cultivated further. In our analytically driven culture, where the mind rules all and practicality is king, it leaves our emotions, and especially creativity, suppressed, discouraged or both. Have faith that your passion will lead to greater things, and allow it to take you over. Allow it to permeate your life and create itself from within you. As a result, it will create a radiant, more vibrant self that you may not have even realized existed.

Step Away from your Bubble

How often do we repeat the same bad habits or mundane activities day after day? How often do we continue to poison our lives by refusing to feed our life-force with creative, expressive moments? We become tired, lethargic, and sad. This breeds depression, anguish, anger, fear; a plethora of poisons unto the mind and body. Show yourself some love and consider engaging in something you've always wished to. If you're not use to it, this different approach can be daunting. Consider these ideas:

  • Be optimistic -- even if you are skeptical initially. You may find your hard beliefs will begin to dwindle away, opening up to new experiences and grander feelings.
  • Meet new people, but of different ilk. The kind of ilk that you wish to emulate. Pick up their habits, and admire their success. Consider how they approach life and pick their brains. 
  • Be hungry. Human beings are naturally inquisitive. We love to learn, and after years of not exercising that muscle, it may become dormant. But not dead. Pick it up, and re-introduce yourself to a new world of creativity and education.

Stepping out of your bubble is scary, but it can bear fruit that leaves you filled with energy and joy. 


How often have you seen meditation as a suggestion for, well... most anything. Break-ups, health, fitness, relieving stress; it seems to be highly-recommended -- and for good reason. There are countless studies on its benefits and how it leaves many feeling calm, focused, and light. The reason being that meditation, at it's core, is the act of simply being. Of letting your mind and body rest in the moment from our daily rigors of stress and worry. When we spent a little time with ourselves, to free our kind, we have a much clearer idea of what exactly it is that we want out of life.

No Journey is the Same

Ultimately, what worked for someone else may not work for you. No one is the same. Hundreds of stories can be read on people who have overcome anguish and fear in order to live the lives they always wished, but they all did it their way; and so shall you. 

Change your heart, change your mind, change your life: find your purpose. Your journey starts now, and whether it's taken 3 months or 40 years, be grateful for how far you've come, and excited for where you're going.