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How to get Quality Sleep for Career Success

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Sleep is for the weak

You might miss a big opportunity 

You can sleep when you're dead

In your foray in the business world, there has been no doubt interaction with several individuals who live headstrong by these philosophies. But let's be honest: the reality is the vast majority of people need to sleep in order to put forth their best self.

In order to simply function and operate at a high level, sleep is a basic, fundamental need that doesn't really need scientific backing to prove. It's one of those things we can simply feel on days where we've only getting 4 or 5 hours. Our energy is low, coffee isn't doing its job, and we've suddenly become forgetful, snippy and generally morose. 

But if you'd like some hard proof, here is a study done by the Institute of Medicine (US) Committee on Sleep Medicine and Research regarding the effects of long term sleep deprivation. Problems such as decreased immune function, cardiovascular and nervous system dysfunction are common in individuals who ignore the need for quality sleep.

As a matter of fact, sleep is so important in the business world that Huffington Post founder, Arianna Huffington, has written a book on the topic, as well as given a TED talk. Huffington experienced severe problems when she reached for that brass ring just a little too hard, and decided to ignore the lingering signs of her mind and body that were begging her to stop and rest. Today, she is a sleep advocate who makes sure to get her solid 8 hours per night. Based on her success and health, she seems to have made the right decision.

So with that, what can you do to provide yourself quality sleep for optimizing long-term, business success? 

Rest Must be apart of your Schedule

If you own a business, you probably know that working in increments of hours is the most efficient way of going through your day. Setting aside hours here for marketing, promotion or branding, or hours there for practice or education within your field; sleep is no different. Make it a priority to rest. Understand that quality, not quantity, is the result of a good days work. That the primary reason for those moments of high output and clarity is due to a quality nights sleep. 

Consider the Health Benefits

You have a lot on your plate. Sleep usually takes a backseat to business and family an as a result, it's often the first thing to cut when balancing the duties of the day. Though it provides needed free-time immediately, long-term it will likely affect the quality of your work, your mind and even your relationships. Remember: good sleep can affect the day in a positive light, and bring out a more effective, efficient you.

Studies consolidated by Harvard Med have only gone on to support these claims, and validate many others, such as;

  • Sleep plays a strong role in memory. Both in learning a task, understanding it, and remembering it
  • Lack of uninterrupted sleep affects mood, judgment and attention-span. Adequate sleep keeps you vitalized and less prone to these stresses.
  • Optimal memory and intake of complex information is only possible with long period of uninterrupted sleep
  • Researchers theorize sleep is vital in energy conservation, and provides restorative properties that allow the body and mind to heal

And much more. Keep in mind the importance of your health in regards to a good nights sleep.

Try a new Pillow for Total Optimization

So you've carved out time in your schedule for quality sleep, and are keeping diligent about it for your health. Great! Now take it one step further; invest in a quality pillow that will help you achieve restful, and much needed REM sleep that will help keep your mind focused and razor-sharp throughout the day.

If you'd like more tips on better sleep or have questions about the right pillow for you, please [omitted] today.